Thursday, January 21, 2010

Web Site Monitor version 1.15


I have re-written my Web Site Monitor script set to make it follow Linux standards more closely.

The script set now includes an install script which places the two script files in the /usr/local/bin folder where they should be, and puts the working folder at /home/$USERNAME/.WebSiteMonitor/ with the configuration file now residing in the /home/$USERNAME/.config/WebSiteMonitor/WebSiteMonitor.conf file.

As a result you no longer have to specify the absolute path name to the file when you call it from the command line, as it now resides on the system PATH where it can be found simply by typing in it's name on the command line.

Also in this new version is the added capability of checking to see if your internet connection is down when Web Site Monitor discovers it cannot download the file you are monitoring on your own web site.

This prevents false web site down notices that are caused by your internet connection actually being down instead of your web site.

I have also added a configuration file so that you may specify which folder you would like your Web Site Monitor log files kept in. The default is the /home/$USERNAME/.WebSiteMonitor/logs/ folder, but you may specify any other folder in your home folder structure now as well by editing the configuration file.

Get the new script set here - Web Site Monitor at Ray's Links.

Later, Ray Parrish
--  Linux dpkg Software Report script set.. Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry.  

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