Web Masters, and Programmers are you in need of a way to make large changes to all of your pages or a selection of files all at once? This GUI enabled script does search and replace of large block elements across as many files as you select for it to work on.
I had been in need of a tool to do large block element search and replace for quite some time to help me administer my web sites. Sometimes there are changes I want to make to all of the pages on my site at once, and I could not find an editor that would accomplish the feat of large block search and replace.
To help myself I wrote the Multi Document Block Oriented Search and Replace script which fulfills my needs quite nicely. It is now available as open source software on Ray's Links.
As always, I ask that if you use my scripts, to please make a donation of any small amount you can afford to help me keep writing good software for people to use.
-- The Future of Technology. http://www.rayslinks.com/The%20Future%20of%20Technology.html Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. http://www.rayslinks.com Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry. http://www.writingsoftheschizophrenic.com
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