Monday, November 30, 2009

Multi Document Block Oriented Search and Replace script

Web Masters, and Programmers are you in need of a way to make large changes to all of your pages or a selection of files all at once? This GUI enabled script does search and replace of large block elements across as many files as you select for it to work on.

I had been in need of a tool to do large block element search and replace for quite some time to help me administer my web sites. Sometimes there are changes I want to make to all of the pages on my site at once, and I could not find an editor that would accomplish the feat of large block search and replace.

To help myself I wrote the Multi Document Block Oriented Search and Replace script which fulfills my needs quite nicely. It is now available as open source software on Ray's Links.

As always, I ask that if you use my scripts, to please make a donation of any small amount you can afford to help me keep writing good software for people to use.

--  The Future of Technology. Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry.  

Monday, November 23, 2009

Where are the program files in Ubuntu Linux?

If you are a new user of Ubuntu coming from some other operating system like Windows you might be wondering where the program files are in Ubuntu as they have a much different file system than Windows does. So where does Ubuntu Linux keep it's program files?

To find out, read my new page Where are the program files in Ubuntu Linux?
--  The Future of Technology. Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry.  

Friday, November 20, 2009

GUI Web Change Monitor script


I have just put the finishing touches on my new GUI enabled Web Change Monitor script. This script makes it very easy to monitor one, or a group of web URLs for any change, and when one of the monitored web pages changes, this script set will load it into your default web browser for viewing.

You can't really monitor your Face Book page with it because the Face Book pages change so often that change would be detected on every check of the page.Try it on your favorite stock quote page to keep up with your investments. 8-)

Later, Ray Parrish
--  The Future of Technology. Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry.  

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Add URL to Google Site Map script


I have finished the Add URL to Google Site Map script, and it is available for download. This new script makes it very easy to update your site map files for multiple web sites.

It is mainly designed to work with Google Site Maps, but will probably work just as well on any .xml based site map that follows the standard rules of site maps.

Later, Ray
--  The Future of Technology. Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry.  

Add url to Google Site Map script


I am currently working on a new GUI enabled script which automatically adds new web page urls to your google_sitemap.xml files, and it manages site maps for more than one web site as well.

The new script depends on the Xdialog package for the GUI widgets it uses to interact with the script's users.

Look for the new version soon on Ray's Links.

Later, Ray
--  The Future of Technology. Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry.  

New GUI Web Site Monitor script available

HI there!

I've just completed a brand new version of the Web Site Monitor bash script which is GUI enabled with the help of widgets from the Xdialog package.

GUI Web Site Monitor

Get it now! 8-)

Later, Ray
--  The Future of Technology. Ray's Links, a variety of links to usefull things, and articles by Ray. Writings of "The" Schizophrenic, what it's like to be a schizo, and other things, including my poetry.