Saturday, January 17, 2009

A blog about shoes, expensive shoes, if you can afford that kind of thing. 8-)

Title: Jordan Air
Description: Information about Air Jordan Sneakers, Nike Air Force Ones,
Reebok Shoes, Adidas Shoes, Converse Sneakers, and more can be found here.

This is a very well organized blog, with reviews about, and quality
pictures of, fancy footwear for those that can afford them, or just to
read about to see what they are like, if you can't afford them.

It's a novel concept to me to be blogging about shoes, but if you want
to tell people about that sort of thing, I guess it makes just as good a
blog as anything else you could talk about. 8-)

It probably gets more traffic than my sites anyway, and I'm sure there
are plenty of people who enjoy quality footwear. If it interests you, go
have a look!

Later, Ray

-- Web index of human reviewed links.
Trouble shooting and Fixing Windows My poetry in web pages

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Combating Spam

Hi there!

I've just added a new page to Ray's Links called Combating Spam. This page explains differing ways that spammers get, and verify, your email address, and things you can do to prevent it.

Enjoy! Ray
-- Web index of human reviewed links. <> Trouble shooting and Fixing Windows My poetry in web pages 

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Addition to Security Measures page

I've just added links to Microsoft's PS Tools download and primer pages on the Security Measures page at Ray's Links. These tools contain PSExec which will allow you to run your web browser and email programs without administrative privileges, which will protect you from mistakes you make while surfing the web.

Security Measures
-- Web index of human reviewed links. <> Trouble shooting and Fixing Windows My poetry in web pages